Dbook eReader by AIRIS features a screen of 6 inches and resolution of 800×600, using, electronic red technology, and so we will much more secure a natural reading that we do if it in another type of equipment and thus not to tire more of the account our eyes.
On the other hand, besides 512 MB available to store content, we will be able to use cards in format SD of up to 4 GB of capacity at the most. The AIRIS Dbook will come accompanied from a memory card with 150 books to begin to enjoy the reading from the first day. Also the autonomy is very important that can offer to us and the truth is that 8000 seen pages, are not bad number.
Finally, also it counts on audio jack of of 3,5mm listening to songs while you submerge in your particular world, following the book chosen for the occasion. The AIRIS Dbook has a price of €259.